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Osirix Software
Mar 22, 2013 Configuring And Operating An OsiriX Teaching File ServerUpdated in December 2015In this guidance document I’ll describe how to configure and operate an OsiriX-based Teaching File Server that will enable you to share your cases with colleagues.If you and your colleagues put your individual servers on an Internet-based network, each network member will, in effect, have a Teaching File consisting of the cases on all the servers.How this works will become apparent as you read this document. Contents. Hardware and Software Considerations. Network Considerations. Backing up the data on your Server. Getting and anonymizing DICOM cases. Configuring OsiriX on your Server.
Understanding a JPEG 2000 Teaching Server Network. Querying a Server for Teaching Cases. Exporting a case to share with colleaguesHardware and Software ConsiderationsA Mac mini or iMac is fine as a Server. There is no need to utilize.
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To use OsiriX for the purpose described in this document, you’ll need to purchase the non-free version. OsiriX Lite, the free version, has too many functional limitations, substantially increased since I wrote the first version of this guidance. Explore the for purchase options, including the possibility of a Site License for your department or practice.If you can afford it, purchase a device with a, and at least 8GB of RAM. The combination of a SSD drive and El Capitan (the latest version of the OS X Operating System as of Late 2015) will optimize the serving of images.The average size of a Teaching Case on my Server is around 30-50 MB, the case being stored in a compressed state (JPEG 2000 compression). Many of my cases contain multiple CT, CT-PET and/or MR Series, each Series sometimes consisting of several hundred thin-section images.If you choose a Mac mini, you can operate it via remote control (if necessary) using the VNC application that comes with OS X. Other third-party applications are available for this purpose but are not, as far as I know, better than Screen Sharing for this purpose.Note that you can use iCloud and for screen sharing as long as both devices are configured to use the same iCloud account.