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Full text of 'DOCUMENTS OEPARIMWCLOSEDCKSmSAN FRANCISCOPUBLIC LIBRARYREFERENCE BOOKNot to be taken from the LibraryMAY 3 1972SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY223 Digitized by the Internet Archivein 2012 with funding fromCalifornia State Library Califa/LSTA Grant3'.(ALIHMIA'STATISTICALABSTRACTMAR 24 1972SAN FRAINCii^uPUBLIC LISRARV1971'?(AUF0M1IASTATISTICALABSMGSTATE OF CALIFORNIARONALD REAGANGovernor1971SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA1971Additional copies of this publication may be purchased fromSTATE OF CALIFORNIA, DOCUMENTS SECTIONP.O. Box 20191, Sacramento, California 9 PREFACEThis is the twelfth edition of the California Statis-tical Abstract, a compilation of data on social, politi-cal, economic and physical aspects of the State. The1971 Abstract has been designed as an update to the1970 historical volume of the 1970 Abstract, and assuch shows only data for later years, or which havebeen revised since the previous edition. Future edi-tions of the California Statistical Abstract will followthis format, presenting only updating material.Each table in this edition indicates where compa-rable data may be found in the 1970 Abstract. Cna license renewal form in texas. In addi-tion, a supplementary index on pages 155-157 in-dicates new table numbers for data from the 1970volume, and, conversely, the tables incorporated fromlast year's edition into each table this year.The volume is a cooperative effort of various stateagencies and several private organizations, noted inthe Appendix. Material is edited by the CaliforniaDepartment of Finance, Budget Division, FinancialResearch Section. The Department of Finance wel-comes comments on the Abstract and ways in which itmay be developed into an even more useful compila-tion of data on the State.mCONTENTSSection PageIntroduction vnA.

Area, Geography and Climate 1Land area — Government property — State parks — Elevations — Climato-logical dataB. Population 6Population of the State — Population for counties and citiesC. Labor Force and Employment 12Civilian labor force and employment — Nonagricultural wage and salaryemployment — Covered employment — Unemployment — Hours and earn-ings — Work injuries — Workmen's compensation — Union membership —Work stoppages — Employment service placements — Manpower trainingD. Income and Cost-of-Living 34Bank and corporation income — Personal income — Personal tax returns— Consumer price indicesE.

Health and Welfare 46Vital statistics — Public health — Prison population — Youth authoritywards — -Vehicle code violations — Unemployment insurance activities■ — Disability insurance activities — Public assistance expenditures — Men-tally ill and retardedP. Education 75Educational attainment — School personnel — Expense of education —Average daily attendance — Enrollments — Graduates — Locations of in-stitutionsG. Resource Industries 77Water conditions — Irrigated farm land — Dams and reservoirs — Statewater project — Agriculture — Farms — Crop production — Cash receipts— Leading commodities — Forestry — Lumber production — Fishing — Fishlandings — Mineral productionH. Manufacturing 104Employment — Payroll — Value added — Capital expenditures— Primecontract awards — Major contractors — ScientistsI. Construction 107Nonresidential building permits — Residential permitsJ. Transportation 110Highway mileage — Construction expenditures — Motor vehicle fuel gal-lonage — Traffic entering California — Registrations— Drivers ' licenses —Driver control actions — Accidents — Transportation revenues — Foreigntrade — Waterborne cargo — Airborne trade — Airport activityCONTENTS-ContinuedSection Pa eeK.

Public Utilities 117Electricity production and use — Natural gas — Number of telephones —Average monthly utility billsL. Trade and Services 120Wholesale trade — Retail trade — Taxable sales — ServicesM. Banking and Finance 138Bank deposits — Savings and loan association assets and loans — Bankloans — Insurance premiums writtenN. Public Finance 140Internal revenue collections — Federal aid payments — State revenuesand expenditures — Private car tax assessments — Assessed valuation ofproperty — Financial transactions concerning counties, cities, schooland special districts — State bonds outstanding0. Elections 149Registration — Vote cast — Vote precinctsAppendix: Contributors 153Reference Index 155Index 158VIINTRODUCTIONCalifornia covers 158,693 square miles between the32nd and 42nd parallels north latitude on the PacificCoast. The State is well known for its temperateclimate which has attracted millions of people to thecoastal cities. Los Angeles-Long Beach ranks as thethird largest metropolitan area in the United States,and San Francisco-Oakland as the sixth.

Californiaincludes Mount Whitney, the highest peak in thecontiguous United States, at 14,495 feet above sealevel, and Death Valley, 282 feet below sea level, thelowest point in the 'Western Hemisphere. The averageJuly maximum temperature ranges from 64 degreesin San Francisco to 107 in Imperial County.Population — California's population has doubledevery 20 years since 1860, but recent experience sug-gests that this high rate of increase will not continue.Since 1965, the increase has been about 797 personsper day. In the last decade, civilian population hasincreased approximately 397,000 per year on the av-erage.

The State's population as of July 1, 1971 was20,265,000, up 256,000 or 1.3 percent, from the mid-1970 level.California is one of the most urbanized states in theNation. At the time of the Census of 1960, only theDistrict of Columbia, whose population was 100 per-cent urban, and New Jersey, with 88.6 percent, ex-ceeded Khode Island and California which were vir-tually tied at 86.4 percent urban.California has a smaller proportion of residents 65years or older than does the United States as a whole,and a somewhat larger proportion of the working agesfrom 20 to 65.Labor force and employment — California's civilianlabor force averaged 8,609,200 during 1970, a gainof 221,500, or 2.6 percent, from 1969. Civilian employ-ment increased by 74,500 to 8,090,200, while unem-ployment averaged 519,000, or 6 percent of the laborforce.

The increase in unemployment and the rela-tively slow growth in the labor force was directlyattributable to the national recession.Personal income — Personal income of Californiaresidents reached $88.8 billion in 1970, 11.1 percent oftotal U.S. Personal income. Two-thirds of the totalwas received as wages and salaries. Manufacturing isthe largest source of income, accounting for one-fourthof the total derived from participation in currentproduction. Government is second in importance, fol-lowed by the trade and service industries.Corporate income — Net income of $5.6 billion fromCalifornia operations was reported by the 136,695banks and corporations operating in the State during1969.

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Manufacturing industries accounted for approxi-mately 38 percent of the total. 'Manufacturing — California has the second largestmanufacturing complex in the Nation. According tothe 1967 Census of Manufactures, value added duringthat year amounted to $23.4 billion.

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The State's aero-space industry is the largest in the U.S., and claimsapproximately 20 percent of all defense contracts, inaddition to substantial production for the civiliansector.Agriculture — California continues to be the Na-tion's leading agricultural producer. Cash receiptsreceived by California farmers during 1970 totaled$4.6 billion. Sales of all crops were an estimated $2.5billion, and livestock products earned $1.8 billion.Metropolitan areas — Much of the data in the Ab-stract are reported for the 15 Standard MetropolitanStatistical Areas (SMSA's) in the State. The tablebelow summarizes the counties in each area.

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