Program Bmw Garage
Trying to program your HomeLink for your BMW? The video on the right side of the page will teach you what steps you need to follow in order to quickly and easily train your HomeLink. The most commonly needed video will automatically play, but for some garage door openers, we have included manufacturer-specific videos below the main player.Not into video?You can also get detailed instructions for your specific vehicle by clicking your model name in the list below.For BMW owners who are using a garage door opener by Genie, Sommer, or who have an older generation of HomeLink (in model years 2008 and earlier), select your training videos from the list beneath the main video.
Hi all,Took delivery of my wife's X3 last night and spent a couple hours trying to get the Homelink to program. I had no problems programming it on my 2012 335i (or my wife's previous Acura MDX), but I just can't seem to make it work on the new car. I've put new batteries in the remote and tried just about every different position and distance from the mirror, but no dice. The orange light just blinks steadily and shows no indication of receiving the signal from the remote. I cleared the settings on the mirror beforehand as well.Any other suggestions?
We have a Precision PDS 800 opener, which is a rebranded Linear LDCO800. I had a lot of trouble programming my Homelink garage door opener as well. I had a couple things happening, the first was the aux power was timing out and shutting down before I was able to complete the process, which I finally solved by starting the car. The instructions in the BMW supplied manual for the X3 are somewhat generic, and don't necessarily apply to all openers. I accessed the manufacturer website for my opener and followed their instructions for programming the Homelink. The Homelink website may also have instructions for your brand of opener. I was finally able to get it working.
One of the most frustrating things I experienced with our new X3. I had a lot of trouble programming my Homelink garage door opener as well. I had a couple things happening, the first was the aux power was timing out and shutting down before I was able to complete the process, which I finally solved by starting the car. The instructions in the BMW supplied manual for the X3 are somewhat generic, and don't necessarily apply to all openers. I accessed the manufacturer website for my opener and followed their instructions for programming the Homelink.
The Homelink website may also have instructions for your brand of opener. I was finally able to get it working. One of the most frustrating things I experienced with our new X3.Thanks. Not giving up yet! When you did the initial programming, did you hold down the button on the mirror or just push it once? The manual states the latter, but most of the videos I've seen show the button being held down. Also, where did you position the remote?

Like I mentioned above, the Homelink receiver doesn't seem to recognize my remote at all. When I had a Lift Master (also Chamberlain) garage door opener, the BMW instructions and videos worked great. I replaced the Lift Master with a Sommer, and the instructions no longer applied.
The only way I was able to program the Homelink was to use instructions provided on the manufacturer website, which were quite different from BMW's instructions. Not all garage door openers use the same procedure to program Homelink. Check either your garage door opener manufacturer website, or the Homelink website for specific instructions. Sorry for not responding sooner. Programmed one of my buttons earlier today.I agree with the above comment and add the following.If you have a opener with a learn button (my Lift Master does) then forget the BMW instructions.Just hit the learn button and the within 30 seconds hit the button you want to program - the garage door opener light should flash and you should be all set.Two important notes.1. Make sure ignition is on or car is running2.

2019 Bmw X3 Program Garage Door Opener
Place car directly in front of garage stall you are trying to program.Good luck and let us know how you make out.Sent from my iPhone using Bimmerfest. Sorry for the late reply - we've been on vacation so I haven't had a chance to give it another go until just now. I've tried all the suggestions above, and even the instructions from the manufacturer's website to no avail. I'm starting to wonder whether the Homelink unit in the car is defective, as it doesn't give any indication that it is receiving a signal from the remote transmitter. I'm going to see if our BMW Genius can give it a go.Edit: I know it's not the remote transmitter, as I successfully programmed another button on my 335i without any problems.
When I programmed the opener at my parents house, I couldn't get it to work at all on my X3. What I didn't realize is that the wired controller for the opener has a LCD display with a menu system where I had to chose to add a new remote to the system. Once I did that, bada boom bada bing, paired right up. I don't know if that applies to your system, but someone else might find that tidbit helpfulMy problem seems to be the Homelink unit in the car; it doesn't appear to recognize that the remote is transmitting anything.
It just blinks amber slowly, no matter how I position the remote (it does the same thing irrespective of whether I hold the Homelink button or press it once). It's almost certainly not the opener, as I was able to program another button on my 335 with no problems whatsoever. Did you follow the steps I listed above? What you are describing was why I experienced when I tried using the remote.I would suggest “clearing” memory in Homelink (hold the two outside buttons as described in the manual) and then follow the steps I listed in my response above.Sent from my iPhone using BimmerfestYes, I've tried that with no success. If the Homelink memory is cleared, does it in fact have anything to transmit? If I clear the Homelink, then hit the 'Learn' button my opener, then press the button on the Homelink (within 30 seconds), the Homelink simply goes into Program Mode (i.e.
Steady blinking amber light). If it's transmitting something, the Homelink light should be solid, not blinking, right? Just since this is the thread I came to when I was having issues. Just wanted to pass on what I found that worked.It appears that if you have certain remotes (the one I had been trying to program with was not, in fact, one of the two that came with the system. It turns out that there are different procedures depending on the sort of remote you are trying to 'teach' with. In my case, I had the hour-glass shaped remote, and I had to hold the remote button down BEFORE the home link button, and did not press the home link button until after the internal green LED came on inside the remote.
Bmw Garage Antwerpen
(about 8 seconds later).I had tried about 15 times before. After following the modified procedure, it programmed on the first try.
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Just a heads up to check the manufacturers site as well if you're having problems.