Run Vbs File From Cmdr

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  1. Run Vbs File From Cmd File
  2. How To Run A Vbs File
  3. Run Vbs File From Cmd 2017

You can use%dp0 to get the path of the currently running batch file.Edited to change directory to the VBS location before runningIf you want the VBS to synchronously run in the same window, then @echo offpushd%dp0cscript necdaily.vbsIf you want the VBS to synchronously run in a new window, then @echo offpushd%dp0start /wait ' cmd /c cscript necdaily.vbsIf you want the VBS to asynchronously run in the same window, then @echo offpushd%dp0start /b ' cscript necdaily.vbsIf you want the VBS to asynchronously run in a new window, then @echo offpushd%dp0start ' cmd /c cscript necdaily.vbs.

Run vbs file from cmd windows 7

I am pulling all hair out at the moment over something that I feel should be simple!I have created a VBScript to copy a folder from a network share to local disk C: (which has been successful) but am having difficulty trying to run a batch file which is inside that folder.I can run the batch file if I double click it but no matter what methods I have tried (Set or run = 'filename') etc. It just will not work!could somebody please tell me how I would go about running a batch file within a local is my current script (The part in bold italics works): Set FSO =CreateObject('scripting.FileSystemObject') FSO.CopyFolder 'myservermsifolderklitewindowsseven', 'c:',Truedim shellset shell=createobject('')'C:klitewindowssevenklcpfullunattended.bat'set shell=nothingAgain from the 'dim shell' onwards I cannot get a batch file to run. Hi Richard,Just tried and that didn't work either:-(It doesn't state any error messages, I just double click it, and nothing happens, yet the folder copies from the server to the C: driveIf you paste this at a command prompt what happens.C:klitewindowssevenklcpfullunattended.batOpen a comamnd prompt and paste it into the window. You are probably getting an error.Tp prove this workse place this command at teh top of the batch file:PAUSEThis will cause the batch file to pause so you can see that it is executing. Any critical error can abort teh barch file so fast you may not see it.You can also change this line to force the batch file to stay '%comspec% /K C:klitewindowssevenklcpfullunattended.bat', 1, TrueNotice the /c is now /K anf th e0 is a 1.This is how to debug this kind of problem. Be sure you rVBS is nnot getting an error. You should check for errors by running the VBS from a command prompt.


Run Vbs File From Cmd File


It can also be errorin before the batch file is launched.¯(ツ)/¯. Hi Bill,Thanks, but I still couldn't get that to work, it doesn't appear with any error messages but the.bat file is to run an unattended setup and although when I double click it, it will work. As I understand it, all steps would be in the VBScript.

How To Run A Vbs File

The complete VBScript program would be as follows:Option Explicit Dim FSO, shell Set FSO =CreateObject( 'scripting.FileSystemObject')FSO.CopyFolder 'myservermsifolderklitewindowsseven','c:',True set shell=createobject( '')shell.Run '%comspec% /c C:klitewindowssevenklcpfullunattended.bat', 0,True -This will copy the folder from myserver to the local C: drive, then run the bat file.Richard Mueller - MVP Directory Services. Hi Richard,Just tried and that didn't work either:-(It doesn't state any error messages, I just double click it, and nothing happens, yet the folder copies from the server to the C: driveIf you paste this at a command prompt what happens.C:klitewindowssevenklcpfullunattended.batOpen a comamnd prompt and paste it into the window. You are probably getting an error.Tp prove this workse place this command at teh top of the batch file:PAUSEThis will cause the batch file to pause so you can see that it is executing. Any critical error can abort teh barch file so fast you may not see it.You can also change this line to force the batch file to stay '%comspec% /K C:klitewindowssevenklcpfullunattended.bat', 1, TrueNotice the /c is now /K anf th e0 is a 1.This is how to debug this kind of problem. Be sure you rVBS is nnot getting an error. You should check for errors by running the VBS from a command prompt.

Run Vbs File From Cmd 2017

It can also be errorin before the batch file is launched.¯(ツ)/¯. If anybody's still having trouble,I was having a similiar problem because the batch file I ran didn't do what it was supposed to so I re-entered the command manually into PowerShell (Installed on later Windows) and it turned out that when the batch file started, it changed the current operatingdirectory to someplace completely different and it caused issues because the operation needed the working directory to be correct. I also had a similar issue where I had not acknowledged the fact that my executing VBScript was in a directory up one level from the batch file which was being called upon. My Batch file had relative path instances to other Bat files and directories whichwere broken based on the fact that the current directory where the command shell was running from was in the wrong location. Its pretty obvious now that i thought about it since you are creating the Shell Object from the vbscript what ever directory that residesin would be your Shells current directory.Adding an echo%CD% at the top of the command file is a good give away.Thanks for that reference as it helped me track down my little issue in a matter of a minute or two.SS.