Srw2024 Downloading Code Using Xmodem File
Working with the Software Images.Information About Software ImagesYou can archive (download and upload) software image files, which contain the system software, the Cisco IOS code, and the embedded Device Manager software.You can download a switch image file from a TFTP, FTP, or RCP server to upgrade the switch software. If you do not have access to a TFTP server, you can download a software image file directly to your PC or workstation by using a web browser (HTTP) and then by using Device Manager or Cisco Network Assistant to upgrade your switch. For information about upgrading your switch by using a TFTP server or a web browser (HTTP), see the release notes.You can replace the current image with the new one or keep the current image in flash memory after a download.You can use the archive download-sw /allow-feature-upgrade privileged EXEC command to allow installation of an image with a different feature set, for example, upgrading from the universal image to the IP services feature set. You can also use the boot auto-download-sw global configuration command to specify a URL to use to get an image for automatic software upgrades.
When you enter this command, the master switch uses this URL in case of a version mismatch.You upload a switch image file to a TFTP, FTP, or RCP server for backup purposes. You can use this uploaded image for future downloads to the same switch or to another of the same type.The protocol that you use depends on which type of server you are using. The FTP and RCP transport methods provide faster performance and more reliable delivery of data than TFTP. These improvements are possible because FTP and RCP are built on and use the TCP/IP stack, which is connection-oriented.These sections contain this configuration information:Note For a list of software images and the supported upgrade paths, see the release notes.Image Location on the SwitchThe Cisco IOS image is stored as a.bin file in a directory that shows the version number. A subdirectory contains the files needed for web management. The image is stored on the system board flash memory (flash:).You can use the show version privileged EXEC command to see the software version that is currently running on your switch.
In the display, check the line that begins with System image file is. It shows the directory name in flash memory where the image is stored.You can also use the dir filesystem: privileged EXEC command to see the directory names of other software images that you might have stored in flash memory. You can use the archive download-sw /directory privileged EXEC command to specify a directory once followed by a tar file or list of tar files to be downloaded instead of specifying complete paths with each tar file.
SolutionYou can use the following set of commands to copy an IOS imageonto a router through either the console or the AUX port: Router1# copy xmodem: slot1:. WARNING.x/ymodem is a slow transfer protocol limited to the current speedsettings of the auxiliary/console ports. The use of the auxilaryport for this download is strongly recommended.During the course of the download no exec input/output will beavailable.-.Proceed? confirm Destination filename ?
Xmodem Software
C3620-ik9s-mz.122-12a.binErase slot1: before copying? confirm Use crc block checksumming?
confirm Max Retry Count 10: Perform image validation checks? confirm Xmodem download using crc checksumming with image validationContinue? confirm Ready to receive file.CC bytes copied in 1450.848 secs (961 bytes/sec)Router1#. DiscussionIt can be quite useful to be able to load an IOS image through aserial connection, particularly if you don’t have access to a TFTPserver, or if the router doesn’t have any accessible LAN interfaces.Although this feature is rarely used, Cisco does support xmodem and ymodemfile transfers through a serial connection.We also recommend enabling the CRC checksum feature when you usexmodem to download an IOS imagethrough a serial connection. This will help ensure the integrity ofthe file transfer.We should stress that this process can be extremely slow. Don’teven attempt to download an IOS image at the default speed of 9,600bps unless you have an entire day to kill.
Xmodem Download Windows 10
We highly recommendincreasing the speed to the highest value that your terminal emulationpackage will support. We have found that 115,200 bps provides themaximum throughput with the most reliability. The speed command allows you to change thespeed of an asynchronous serial port: Router1# configure terminalEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Router1(config)# line aux 0Router1(config-line)# speed 115200Router1(config-line)# endRouter1#In this example, we used Hyperterminal because it is included withthe Windows operating system. However, almost any terminal emulationprogram that supports xmodem orymodem protocols will work. Infact, we have found significant differences in download times betweenthe various emulation packages, and Hyperterminal tends to be one ofthe slowest. Other packages such as ProComm tend to be somewhatfaster.
But they all work.Even after we increased the speed of the Aux port to 115,200bps, the file transfer took nearly 25 minutes to complete. Bycomparison, loading the same IOS version via TFTP through an Ethernetconnection took less than four minutes. So, in general, we don’trecommend using this method unless you can’t use TFTP for somereason.The first step, once you have a copy of the IOS image on yourcomputer, is to connect to the router’s AUX port. Set the line speedto 115,200 bps on both the console port and the terminal emulator, andissue the copy command.
Therouter will prompt you to begin the file transfer with the text “Readyto receive file.”At this point, you should begin your file transfer protocol. Ifyou are using Hyperterminal, select the “Transfer” drop-down menu, andthen click on “Send-file.” It will prompt you for the file name andlocation, and protocol type. Enter the name of the IOS image, and thenselect “Xmodem” to start the file transfer.During the file transfer, the connection is busy transferringthe file, so the router can’t display any messages.
This is normal.However, most terminal emulator programs provide a status window tolet you keep track of the file transfer.When the transfer is complete, the terminal emulator will dropout of the file transfer mode and the router will put up its normalprompt again. At this point, we highly recommend checking the new IOSimage to make sure that it copied successfully. You can verify thefile size as follows: Router1# show slot1:PCMCIA Slot1 flash directory:File Length Name/status1 11922512 c3620-ik9s-mz.122-12a.bin11922576 bytes used, 4592496 available, 16515072 total16384K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot1 flash (Read/Write)In this case, we loaded the image into the PCMCIA device in slot1. If you put the image somewhere else, such as the internal flashmemory, you would use the command showflash: instead.If the file size is correct, check the image’s checksum by usingthe verify command: Router1# verify slot1:c3620-ik9s-mz.122-12a.binVerified slot1:c3620-ik9s-mz.122-12a.binRouter1#Get Cisco IOS Cookbook, 2nd Edition now with O’Reilly online learning.O’Reilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from 200+ publishers.