Star Wars Battlefront Patch Notes

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'Star Wars Battlefront' update 1.44 is live with 'Rise of Skywalker' DLC. Read the full list of features in the patch notes below. 'Star Wars Battlefront 2' is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC. DICE/EAFEATURES. Scream no more censorship rarity.

  1. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Patch Notes June

Four new Reinforcements are now available. The Ovissian Gunner and the Caphex Spy fight for the Resistance, while the Sith Trooper and the First Order Jet Trooper join the dark side.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Patch Notes June


New appearances for Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren are now available to unlock through either Credits or Crystals. Co-op now available on new Planets (Takodana, Jakku, Starkiller Base). A new playable map will become available on Co-Op and Heroes Vs. Villains from December 20th, 2019.QUALITY OF LIFE. Added a system on Co-Op and Capital Supremacy that allows squad mates to signal in UI which capture point they are intending to go to.

Added faction and era selection to Co-op, including the option for matchmaking into any game. The player Health Bar has been updated to showcase when a player's health is being blocked from healing or health regeneration. Polished the timings of the Damage Reduction Messaging animations when evading. Weapon crosshairs are now dimmed when the player cannot fire (such as when deploying a weapon).HERO CHANGES. The First Order Jet Trooper is just one of four new Reinforcements to debut in 'Star Wars Battlefront' update 1.44.